Sunday 10 August 2008

Triple embossing Tip

Chrissie (Simply One of a Kind ) recently shared with us her tips on triple embossing. I have been asked how did I achieve the initial on my recent 18th BC. The was also a form of embossing - I started with the first layer of powder on a chipboard initial, heated until melted, then I added glue from a prit stick in certain places, then powder, then melted again. This can be done a third time if need to give right effect and more texture. It can also cover up any rough areas on chipboard letters that seem to be inevitable on the letters I have! But, then they were cheap! Hope you find this useful, BFN Ikki

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Wow, I didn't realise that you have made that letter, I thought it was a store-bought ready made jobby. I'll have to have a go at that.
Thanks for the the way I've left something on my Blog for you!